You know you are from Sweden when .....
- You would happily catch the tube to the suburbs at 3am or walk alone through a park at night.
- You secretly love the Eurovision Song Contest to pieces.
- You would rather stand up on the bus for an hour than bother the person who's handbag is currently occupying the last available seat.
- You see a woman with a baby carriage trying to get on the bus you're in, so you pretend to be sleeping so you don't have to help her with it.
- You're used to sorting all your laundry into 30, 40 and 60 degree Celsius piles and become quite upset when you can only choose between 'warm' and 'cold'
- You collect plastic bags, and can't believe you get them for free abroad.
- You find it annoying that you have to tip in a restaurant outside of Sweden.
- You think it's perfectly normal to go out and party every weekend from the age of 13.
- Living with your partner and having kids together without even planning on getting married is perfectly normal.
- You consider cannabis more dangerous than alcohol.
- You grew up in a house looking exactly as if it would have been in the IKEA-catalogue.
- You lie on the beach while the natives wear winter coats.
- A good summer vacation consists of going to a country down south in Europe, probably Greece or Spain, with your friends. When you arrive at 23:30 (not 11.30 pm, major difference!) the first thing you do is get wasted and stay wasted for the rest of the week.
- You notice that “Systembolaget” is closed and the most alcoholic beverage you can find to drink is 3.5 % beer from the supermarket, and even if you know it’s a shame, you buy it.
- Everyone knows that going to a party at a friend’s house means BYOD (bring your own drinks).
What other says about Swedes/Sweden.
- People ask you if you have polar bears on the streets and you try to spread the myth further by saying it is true.
- People refuse to believe you're actually from Sweden because you're not platinum blonde with a Sven-Göran Ericsson accent.
- You seriously want to HURT Non-Swedes who ask 'how's life in SWITZERLAND?'
- You can't see what's so "cute" about writing 13:00 instead of 1 pm.
- You don't get why Non-swedes think it's odd that the sun stays up for about 24 hours in the summer.
HAHAHAHA. Allt är helt och hållet sant! Nästan så jag måste stjäla den
Hej! Vilken trevlig blogg. Det här är Marie och tänkte svara på en fråga du ställde härromdagen i min blogg.
Jag har två AA/AS-degrees från att ha gått en sväng på Santa Monica College och en sväng på Ventura College. Jag träffade en kille när jag jobbade som nanny i SB som är halvsensk och halvamerikan. Sen dess har vi varit ett par. Vi gifte oss borgligt sommaren 2009 och på det viset fick jag ett green card och arbetstillstånd 2010. Jag jobbade under större delen jag gick på college via skolans distriktkontor. Men kan kan söka sig utanför skolan efter man gått två fulla terminer. Man kan även stanna kvar ett år efter man har gått klar college eller universitet och jobba inom sitt område och på så vägar få ett företag att sponsra en. Tror det heter "OPT" (Optional Practical Training).