about swedes!

sitter och läser på lite roliga saker om svenskar - sånt som är typiskt för oss.

1. You wear warm clothing when it's 25 degrees plus in April - because it's April.
2. You wear shorts and t-shirt when it's barely 10 degrees in July - because it's July.
3. You've been engaged for four years and don't have any plans to get married.
4. You assume that anyone who apologieses after bumping into you is a tourist.
5. You know that "religious holiday" means "let's get pissed."
6. It is your birthday YOU have to make the cake.
7. A seven-year-old with his own mobile phone seems perfectly sensible.
8. You're not surprised anymore when hearing about an old petrol station being turned into a mosque.
9. The first thing you do upon entering a bank/post office/chemist etc. is to look for the queue number machine.
10. You get extremely annoyed when the bus is two minutes late.

sånt här kan ju göra ens kväll - nu blir det currymat, tack och lov - har inte ätit på hundra år.
snart är det helg igen, och förhoppningsvis får jag redan helg onsdagkväll - håll tummen för det!

Postat av: Briitta

Haha gilla!

2011-10-05 @ 22:47:54
URL: http://briittas.blogspot.com/

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